Waiwhapuku Bay, swimming and kayaking

The morning sun stirred us from our bunks and Pearl wasted no time in getting acquainted with the galley. Porridge and fresh fruit for brekkie. The inflatable kayak and SUP were readied for use and Juliet opted for the SUP having never been on one before and it wasn’t long before she was standing up and off paddling around the nearby Kaiaraara Island. Pearl was soon hot on her heels following in the kayak.
Once back on board we weighed anchor and motored the short distance across the bay to Paihia and dinghied ashore to meet our final crewie, Ross, who was arriving by bus from Auckland. It was a good opportunity for us to have a quick look around the tourist town that is routinely inundated with boatloads of tourists who unload from the massive cruise ships that frequent the bay. We are so lucky to be able to enjoy the area in relative isolation, selecting anchorages and bays that are not part of their itinerary.
After a coffee and muffin, Ross’s bus rolled in and after brief introductions we headed back to Te Kaihōpara for lunch followed by a thorough briefing going over the boat from stem to stern. We weighed anchor, hoisted the main and let the genny fly. To be under sail with no engine is always a joy, the peace is so settling. We had a great sail and found a sheltered anchorage in Waiwhapuku Bay. With the boat secure we swam and kayaked before dinner. Burgers and coleslaw courtesy of Juliet and Mick, washed down with a glass of vino, excellent! With dinner done Mick gave us a run down on options and we all agreed on a plan for tomorrow. Let’s see how it goes. Right now it’s time to head out on deck to check out the full moon. Amazing!


Skinny Dipping and Moturua to the Cavalli’s


New Crew Arrive, Bay of Islands