The one who laughs last, lasts!

The golden hour blesses Te Kaihōpara once again

So here we are, right at the end of this epic race all the way from Picton to Auckland. Not many would’ve predicted the rollercoaster ride Te Kaihōpara and its crew have been on, but its not yet the time to relax, not yet. As the race went down to its last few nautical miles across Port Jackson, Silver Fern were still enjoying a sizeable lead, gained through unscrupulous means, of course. The event was to conclude at Tiritiri Matangi Island, just a few hours off our final destination in Gulf Harbour, Auckland. This was the point where Te Kaihōpara activated its afterburners and left its opponent scorched in its wake. We were unstoppable (shout out to Watch ‘B’ that made some crucial sail-adjustments to turn the tide in our favour) as we anchored first near Tiritiri Matangi Island and offered Silver Fern the chance to secure alongside us as their consolation prize. We just love an underdog success story onboard Te Kaihōpara, oh yes we do!

“If you ain’t first, you’re last” - Ricky Bobby

As a special treat to celebrate the end of a nail-biting epic race, both crews went ashore to explore the wonders of Tiritiri Matangi Island, Māori for ‘tossed by the wind’, which is one of New Zealand’s oldest island sanctuaries and according to Maori mythology, considered to be a float of an ancestral fishing net. A lovely picnic was enjoyed ashore as the sun shone down and elusive kiwi, takahē, North Island kōkako (locally protected birds) surrounded our crew.

Sunny smiles and shady glasses

Our entry into Gulf Harbour was smooth as silk, as Iain showcased nerves of steel to bring Te Kaihōpara alongside the berth. Hot showers, cold beers and warm hugs followed as both crews forgot the hostility of coastal racing and got together to celebrate the end of an adventure of a lifetime. Kester was rechristened as ‘Kester the Jester’, Gaynor confessed that she’d tried to sabotage the competition by throwing one of the Silver Fern’s crew’s drying shorts overboard, (after the race was over!), Daniel gained my respect and left me rather awestruck when he revealed how many children he raised, across two continents, Shaun finally understood the true depths of my gaming-madness (from my college days, I’m partially cured now), Tasi introduced me to her absolutely adorable puppy, Loki! (I think we need a mascot onboard) Barry almost burned down the galley, but managed to make an awesome bit of scram at the end, Kevin finally got his Matthew McConaughey impression down to perfection and Luca tried and absolutely failed, at pushing - wearing only socks as footwear, as the next big evening-wear-sensation. The next morning, everyone exchanged warm hugs and left the Te Kaihōpara, loaded up with cherished memories whilst wearing big smiles. Its just me and Te Kaihōpara again, this time in beautiful Auckland. Let see what sort of trouble we can get in to around these parts.

- Arjun Thimmaya, Chief Mate, Te Kaihōpara

P.S. :- Shout out to the birthday girl, Tasi!! I know Te Kaihōpara and I are a day late in wishing you, but we do hope the party is still going strong!!


A Giraffe in New Zealand!


The Race’s climax beckons